Applebaker Memorial Scholarship
The Applebaker Memorial Scholarships are awarded each fall for the propose of advancing skills and education for individuals wanting to improve their horsemanship knowledge, using mules or horses to pack loads into the Oregon backcountry and Leave No Trace principles as they relate to stock use on our public lands. Each fall Scholarships of various duration and costs will be offered on a competitive basis to individuals.
The Applebaker Memorial Scholarship supports these related missions of the Back Country Horsemen of Oregon (BCHO).
- By perpetuating the common sense use and enjoyment of horses in America’s backcountry and wilderness
- And to educate, encourage and solicit active participation in the wise use of the backcountry resource.
These Scholarships offered to individuals are intended to focus on education related to horse & mule packing, horsemanship, and Leave No Trace education as it relates to equine use in Oregon backcountry.
Make a Donation

Scholarship Requirements
Please complete the Applebaker Memorial Scholarships application by:
- Individuals must complete the Applebaker Memorial Scholarship form and email it to grants@bcho.org on or before February 1st.
- All applicants must be at least 18 years of age at the start of their course of instruction.
- The assistance request must be used towards education-related to horse & mule packing, horsemanship, and Leave No Trace training.
- Applicants are encouraged to indicate their 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice of scholarship type.
- Selected applicants must also agree to provide a written and verbal final report at a BCHO function covering the full range of experience gained from the granted scholarship.
- Along with basic information, applicants should include details of their current horsemanship, horse packing and Leave No Trace experience. Convey experiences and goals as it relates to BCHO’s mission.
- Applicants who are not currently an active member of BCHO must have their application endorsed by the President of a local BCHO chapter. The endorsement will occur after completion of an interview conducted by the Chapter President or those chapter members so appointed by the president.
Scholarship Application
The Applebaker Memorial Scholarships are awarded at the winter BCHO board meeting for the propose of advancing skills individuals wanting to improve their horsemanship knowledge. You can fill out the online application or download and print the application giving you the option to mail it in.
Please send your Applebaker Memorial Scholarship or before February 1st. :
Mail to Address: | BCHO Scholarship Application P.O. BOX 543 Veneta, OR 97487 |
or Email to: | grants@bcho.org |

Completion Report
After completion of the education experience, please provide the following information.
Attach all of the following:
- Date of Scholarship completion
- Date your report is submitted
- Narrative of your experience after completing your education.
- Pictures of your education experience.
- Narrative of your experience suitable for publication if different from #3 above.
- Explanation and signed check for any funds being returned to BCHO.
- Original receipts for all expenditures paid for by the Scholarship or request for reimbursement as well as chapter contribution expenses.
- Please send this information to the address below.
Mail to Address: | BCHO Scholarship Application P.O. BOX 543 Veneta, OR 97487 |
or Email to: | grants@bcho.org |