Thank you again for taking the time to become an Back Country Horsemen of Oregon, and Back Country Horsemen of America member, we value your time and support. If you have just renewed your membership or are new member, your transaction has been completed. A receipt of your payment has been emailed to you. Please allow us 2 to 3 weeks to process your membership. The membership coordinator has already received your membership form and payment information electronically.
[thankyou_responce]If you didn’t use a Credit Card but paid with your PayPal buyers account, you may log into your account at www.paypal.com/us to view details of this transaction.
Members receive a free subscription to our BCHO State newsletter, The Highline and our BCHA National newsletter where you can get the latest scoop on how members of BCHA and BCHO are working to keep trails open to equestrians. The State and National membership fee you pay is 100% deductible on your taxes. A receipt of your donation has been emailed to you, which you can print and use for your tax records.
Here is our EIN number, 93-1220230 and our registered name of Backcountry Horsemen of Oregon, it is sometimes required for your Tax Deductions records.
Please consult our on-line Calendar, or contact your BCHO State Officers to find out when the next meeting, event or work party is happening in your BCHO Chapter.
Thanks again for your membership and support!
If you have any questions about your membership please contact the membership coordinator at: membership@bcho.org.