The High Desert Trail Riders Back Country Horsemen is dedicated to good horsemanship, good sportsmanship, the promotion of horse trails and trail horse facilities, to provide an active program of recreational riding.
Our active chapter has trail rides, pack trips, work parties, and training clinics. We are involved with the Federal Agencies providing volunteer labor on trails and trailheads and work with them on management issues and regulations regarding equestrian use on Public Lands.
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See our Chapter Calendar
Please subscribe to our calendar to view our events on our personal on-line calendar.
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Chapter Officers
- President: Betty Applebaker
- Vice President: Pam Lehto
- Past President: Billie Patrick
- State Director: Pam Lehto,
- Secretary: Kara Contreras
- Treasurer: Cindi Boehner
- Membership Coordinator: Debbie Hilbert
- Volunteer Hours: Pam Lehto
- Board of Directors: Brenda Sparks, Jackie Olden, Dick Strohkirch, Ed Contreras, Ron Stewart, Jackie Gion, Judi IeLmorini, Deb Price, Anne Hickman
Come Join Us
Our General Meeting is on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at, 7:00 pm at the Sizzler Restaurant, 2506 S. 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR. Contact- Carole Hopkins- 541-591-1805. Please See our Calendar for exact times and dates. Come find out who we are and what we are about. If you can’t make it to one of our meetings then come ride with us.